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EAC certification for LOSMA products

Losma S.p.a, the leading company in design and construction of air and liquid filtration systems, is pleased to announce the awarding of EAC certification – the fundamental document for exporting products to EURASEC customs union countries (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan).

EAC is the abbreviation of “EurAsien Community” and it is a certificate of conformity which certifies that the authorized product complies with the safety standards of the country of reference. Indeed, Russian system is focused on the certification of the final product and requests the issue of the certification for every articl that is intended to be exported. Once that the product has been certified, EAC Mark must be affixed on the item to demonstrate its compliance to the Customs Union standard.

Losma products have passed all the conformity assessment procedures of the EURASEC Customs Union and are certified according to the prescribed technical requirements. Therefore, it is possible to export all company products, including DARWIN, MASTER, DTE and GALILEO PLUS models, as well as all their spare parts and accessories from now on.

Losma directly oversees some of the most important markets of its category thanks to its four foreign subsidiaries and the widespread network of distributors and agents.

EAC Certification is another goal that LOSMA has been able to achieve by further internationalizing its sales network also in those countries where export is a decidedly delicate matter. Eurasian Customs union is an obvious example: despite the most frequent issues related to its customs procedures, it concerns a market that offers several business opportunities and new horizons for the filtration category.


© 2021 Losma S.p.A. unipersonale
Via Enrico Fermi, 16
24035 Curno (Bergamo) – Italy

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